Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Happy (late) Halloween to everyone!
For me, this holiday means "How many random things can I do in costume?"
Usually it's a visit to the local library, maybe a grocery store, or other public place where I scare and sometimes delight people.
This year I was a Drow, a dark elf creature from Dungeons and Dragons.
I think it was worth covering myself with black paint, although it was annoying to see that my neck is still grey after 4 days!

Picture ahoy!

Here is the only picture that clearly shows the face paint, wig style, etc. 
Unfortunately it was too cold for many photos.

That's it for now... Adios!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Mantis is Weird

I tried to photograph a Praying Mantis... He had other ideas. 

I had to use another camera to take a picture of my camera with the mantis on it!
He certainly wasn't shy, that's for sure. 

Monday, September 15, 2014


Happiness is also finding your lost library card, 
so you can actually return things and not have to pay a fine.

Monday, September 1, 2014

This is what I do when I don't know what to do.

We visited the NY Renaissance Faire on Saturday, and it was quite the experience.
I would love to describe it to you, but it would either take too long or not make sense at all.
You really have to go there and experience it.
My sister purchased a cute little Drabbit at this faire. Drabbits, as the name implies, are a sort of cross between fluffy mammals and reptile-like dragons. They sit on your shoulder and have moveable heads, which are worked by a cable that runs down the wearer's back.  With practice, you can control the puppet without anyone noticing, and create the illusion of a live dragon on your shoulder.
The price range of Drabbits tends to run high, and I had already spent my money on some custom-painted elf ears.  Therefore, instead of purchasing one of my own, I studied the workings so I could make one.

This is a Drabbit. 

I have often tried to construct a doll like this, with a sculpted head and soft plush body. 
Most of the time, I get frustrated and end up with a box of clay heads. 
This time, I was determined to finish one.

I soon gave up on the idea of having a mechanism inside my critter, so I didn't design him to be a puppet. 
I sculpted a head out of Sculpey clay, and small feet too. 
Next, I painted them with brown, black, and gold.
I had an old piece of wire on a shelf in my room, so I glued some felt to it to make a tail.
The fake fur came from a Church tag sale. It is extremely realistic, and I think it was supposed to look like mink.
I didn't buy any special supplies, I only used what was in the house.
The body and tail were stitched together, and the head and feet were glued on.
Here he is!

His name is Thaddeus, and he is a Hispid Cotton Rat.
He is very grumpy, but cute. 
He's actually very old; because he ate a magic bean which gave him powers.
Hence the long life, golden tint, and curled ear. 
Haha. I just made that up right now. 
Here are some shots of him. Doesn't he look real?

He can also hang from branches. He watches the cars go by...

Here are his little feet!

My dad says he is disturbingly realistic, and that was before I put his head on!

He took me most of the day, which was good since I stayed home and had no plans at all. 
So you see, there are many fun things to do around the house!
Never be bored again!
Just make things!


P.S. Sorry about the wonky type sizes. I am confused about fonts.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Percy Jackson

I may be forced to endure many fans yelling at me for this, but if you have a character that was clearly described like this;

Why must the movie adaptation look like this?

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


I know, it's a bit soon after dear Bug's passing, but...
Behold Jenny, the new pig!

Friday, June 6, 2014


My baby Bug... My little hair-eating furball... All I have left are the teeth marks you put in everything.
Your short life, just one year with us... 
I'll miss you.

Thursday, June 5, 2014


Normally I don't like paint, because it's so messy and it covers your line art.
Lately, however, I've been using it more often.
My little sister had her friend over, because they had some rocks they wanted to paint.
(They were trying to make the magic stones from this graphic novel)
The paint was already out, so why not use it... This is what I produced.

It's bigger than it looks, which was even harder. So many layers of paint...
Anyway, it turned out well.  Yes, I photographed it in a tree because the green was a nice contrast. 
So anyway, when the friend saw me painting this, he watched intently and said
"Wow, that's a nice russet." 
It sounded a bit weird coming from a kid, but this kid is possibly more fox-obsessed than I am. 
Russet, being the color of foxes, is his favorite color. 

This morning, I painted again. On feathers this time. I have a box of blue jay feathers that I found when I was lost in the woods with some friends,  (actually the same friend from before, and his older brother. Four children lost in the woods. It's a long story.) and I had recently discovered the art of painting a picture on a feather. Unfortunately, my feathers were tiny, but I did my best. 
Instead of just going ahead and starting right on the bare feather surface, I did a coat of white paint as a base. After that I just drew with Micron pens. It wasn't hard because it was so tiny, (0.20 mm pen tip) but because I couldn't sketch or anything. Freehand is hard. Anyway, after adding some colors with markers, here it is.

Please excuse the large presence of my hand, I just wanted to show you the size. 
(You can even see the smudges on my hand)

So paint can be annoying, but also gratifying. 
That is the lesson I have learned. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Pokemon Lake

There's an online game called Pokemon Lake. Although it is actually not connected to the Pokemon company, it is meant to be a way for people to play Pokemon games that would usually be on a Nintendo DS or something, but online.
I like it because it's free, (yay) and the pokemon are cute.

Here are the pokemon I have in Pokemon Lake.

At least, some of them.

Great Gif

I don't know who gets the credit for this, but I think it's extremely well done.

Monday, February 24, 2014


You know you really love your pet when you find its hair in your food and all you can do is smile at it.

Anyway, aside from that random note I have some real news!
I am officially on DeviantArt!
Please visit my page here:

Monday, January 27, 2014

Thursday, January 23, 2014


I didn't take many meaningful pictures in Cambodia, but to give you an idea of what we were doing there, you really need to check this out.
It's a beautiful film called A Drop of Water,  made by a great friend Gus Cantavero.
Gus explains about Water Of Life, our team, and what we are trying to accomplish.
(He's a photographer by trade, and there are some great photos on his Facebook page here.)

My personal thoughts about Cambodia?
It was a crazy and AMAZING trip.

Sunday, January 5, 2014


In case you didn't know, I am currently obsessed with foxes.
I draw them, sculpt them...
I'm even writing a story about a girl who can transform into a fox.
This is my first-ever Photoshop drawing of a realistic fox, and I like how it ended up.
Stay tuned for a lot more fox stuff soon!