Saturday, August 31, 2013

Loki's free

So I was getting really annoyed with iTunes, trying to redeem my $15 gift card.
Then I realized, there wasn't really anything I wanted to buy.
So then I thought, why not stop this awfulness and do something free & fun?
That's what I did.
I went on Pinterest and looked through pages and pages of Loki photos.
But then I couldn't stop.
So what's better, $15 that you can't even get at after 10 tries, or no money at all and a couple pages of Loki?

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

We're off to see Rhode Island...

In one-ish hour, family and I will be off on the 2 hour drive to our beach vacation.
We do this every year, partly because it's just plain fun, and partly because it's around the week of my birthday.
( ❀ Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me... ❀)

The ocean awaits!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

It's here!

Sorry I couldn't write yesterday, but the new Thor 2 trailer was finally released!
Here it is!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


The new Thor 2 trailer is coming tomorrow!!!!!
Can't wait!!!!